Register to use the site by clicking on “REGISTER” in the upper right-hand corner of the homepage.
This site is ONLY open to Buyers who are Authorized Wireless Resellers. It can take up to 48 Hours for approval.
If you are Purchasing for Your Own Usage, Please Contact one of our Distribution Partners.
Otherwise, Once you fill out the required information you will receive an email confirming that you have submitted your registration. Feel free to browse Our Catalog features.
We will review your request within 48 Hours and set you up as an Authorized Reseller if you meet our requirements. You will receive an email confirming your approval status. Once approved you will be able to see Discounted Reseller Pricing. If would like to be invoiced for your order, please fill out our Credit Application. It can take up to 2-Weeks for the Approval Process for the Credit Application.
Once you are Approved you can start shopping!
NOTE: Enter all or part of the model number in the search bar. Be aware that the search engine will look for a model number that contains exactly what you have typed. If an extra letter or character is added by mistake, the search engine will not be able to find the match.